Ways Clients Use Code Enforcement Manager Software
When you're a Code Enforcement Officer, it pays to be prepared for anything. From abandoned vehicles and vacation rentals, we'll help you tackle the ordinances that need enforcement in your community!
Abandoned Vehicles
Abandoned vehicles stain a community's image and pose environmental hazards. Comcate's Code Enforcement software speeds the process of locating abandoned vehicles, documenting them for removal, and tracking their progress.
Illegal Dumping
Illegal dumping drags down communities and costs a lot to clean up. Comcate software uses geolocation to plot cases allowing Officers to focus their education, eradication, and enforcement resources.
Graffiti Abatement
Comcate software allows agencies to react quickly with online tools for the public to report the precise location of issues along with trend data necessary to correctly place monitoring cameras or target patrols.
Vacation Rental Regulation
Vacation Rental Dwellings (VRDs) can boost the local economy or upset residents depending on how ordinances are enforced. Comcate software makes it easy to document violators over time, useful for when permits come up for renewal, and to schedule staff when violations are most likely to occur.
Weed Abatement
Find and regulate overgrown vegetation before life and property are endangered. Software-assisted inspections allow you to take pictures of noxious weeds, log their GPS location, enter a description, and attach photos for reference when giving Notice of Violation.
Vacant Properties
Vacant Property Registration (VPR) ordinances are important tools for recovering costs associated with battling blight and vandalism. Comcate software makes it easy to see if a property has been registered, via an integration, and who the owner is in the case of a code violation.