Wildomar, CA Invests in State of the Art Code Enforcement Software For New Department

Wildomar, California launched a brand new Code Enforcement department in 2021. While building the department, Wildomar wanted to implement code enforcement best practices as well as software to make case submissions easier to track for both agency staff and citizens. We sat down with John Parker, Senior Code Enforcement Officer, Wildomar, CA to discuss their search for code enforcement software.

What was the problem Wildomar was trying to solve through software?

Before launching Comcate, Wilodmar didn't have an organized system. All code enforcement notes were being made in Microsoft word. Wildomar wanted to bring in a SaaS program that was code friendly and had all notes in one place rather than different folders. They were working in an information silo with case information spread throughout with a lack of operational visibility as a whole. Wildomar was previously using an older program that was antiquated and the leadership team gave examples to the City Manager of how things could be better by switching to Comcate.

What prompted Wildomar to Act Now?

With a new code enforcement department being launched, leadership and code enforcement officers needed efficiency in and out of the field. Thousands of cases that the new department was taking over were scattered across multiple different places. The team needed to be prepared with the proper tools to create an efficient department and make a difference in the community from the start. Four other software providers were considered but most were building friendly or planning friendly, not code friendly. Additionally, Comcate was the best priced for the needed functionality out of four demoed softwares. 

How did the Agency budget for Software?

Normally, a software purchase would have come out of the general fund, but since a brand new department was launched there was a zero budget. Wildomar was provided with an accounting bucket dedicated to the launch of the new team and the tools they needed to be successful. 

How will success be measured?

For Wildomar, success will be measured based on the ability to keep track of caseload and remediation actions. Also, the availability to pull and download reporting statistics for leadership presentations has been a game changer. Code Enforcement Manager has the ability to track 15 key performance metrics that show the difference the department is making, including activities performed, number of cases closed and open, proactive vs. reactive cases, inspections completed and more.

How was the Implementation Process?

The customer success team provided the agency with an easy to fill out implementation checklist. The only surprise was needing to do more legwork than anticipated in regard to IT items to get the Wildomar website up to par. Everything was easy! 

What difference has Comcate made for citizens and residents?

John explained, “With our old system, citizens were required to create a login to open a case. With our new Comcate program, more citizen engagement is coming through due to the easy to use functionality and website compatibility. We have created a higher volume of caseload through this efficiency and made a bigger impact throughout the community. Citizens have noticeably had an easier time submitting items and receiving communication throughout the case lifecycle.”

Why Choose Comcate?

“Overall, Comcate is just a code friendly program. When a citizen calls about an issue, you want to be able to pull up notes and photos ASAP. Comcate  gives you the tools to succeed. Comcate is user friendly and intuitive to use.”

Learn how Comcate can help make government delivery simple, and offer a modern digital experience to help you increase transparency, efficiency, and performance across your departments. If you have any questions about implementing our software, please schedule a meeting with our team, or  call us directly at (415) 632-1248.


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