Code Enforcement Software: Point Solution vs Enterprise Platforms

Software is essential to making local government operations more efficient and effective – but with so many choices on the market, it can be hard to know which solution is the best fit for your needs.

The decision making becomes more complicated for essential functions like code enforcement, where you have the choice of a standalone or “point solution” dedicated solely to code enforcement, or an “enterprise solution” that combines the functionality of multiple departments into one solution. In this post, we’ll explain exactly what those terms mean and explore the pros and cons of each when it comes to selecting code enforcement software.

What is the difference between a point solution and an enterprise platform?

Enterprise solutions are large-scale software applications that support an array of business functions, serve the needs of a large organization, and are capable of storing and displaying large amounts of data. Enterprise software often serves the needs of multiple use cases across several similar departments. Enterprise software might also be referred to as “suite solutions” because they encompass several different products in one. For example, code enforcement is often grouped together with permitting and licensing functionality to create an enterprise solution.

By contrast, point solutions are purpose-built to solve one specific challenge or serve the specific needs of a single department or function such as code enforcement, animal control, or accounting.

Is a point solution or enterprise platform better?

On the surface, an enterprise solution is an appealing choice as it provides a single solution for multiple uses. In theory, implementing a single program to be used by a variety of departments means going through one round of budgetary approvals and one implementation process – not to mention dealing with a single provider to troubleshoot technical problems.

Having multiple departments or functions in one system can also improve cross-department collaboration by breaking down some traditional silos that inhibit visibility and communication.

One large system has its drawbacks, however. Enterprise systems often have a higher upfront cost and can be expensive. They also require greater strategy in order to go live to ensure you’re getting your value out of the platform. Implementations can be more involved as there is often more “tinkering” that needs to happen on the backend to customize the program for each department – assuming of course, that your vendor offers that level of customization.

The biggest drawback to an enterprise solution, however, is that they don’t always serve the needs of every department equally – and in permitting and licensing enterprise platforms, code enforcement is often the functionality that gets the short end of the stick.

The Benefit of a Point Solution for Code Enforcement

While code enforcement can be a part of permitting and licensing processes, there are many uses for code enforcement that don’t fall cleanly into these workflows. Often, critical functions like case management are overcomplicated and cumbersome. Because this functionality is built into a framework designed primarily for other activities, processes often involve workarounds and are not intuitive – all of which can result in inefficiencies and frustration.

This is where point solutions can really shine for code enforcement software. Because they were purpose-built specifically for code enforcement activities, the workflows are straightforward and efficient without unnatural workarounds, resulting in greater efficiency for simple day-to-day tasks.

This was the case for code enforcement officer Kerry Odom when he worked for Panama City, Florida. During his tenure with Panama City, the municipality decided to move multiple departments into a single software solution. “I was mad about it, because it took so many steps to do anything,” Odom said. The afternoon before the switch was designated to happen, Odom walked a city official through the process to open a single case in both the new suite solution as well as the department’s existing point solution. In the new combined program it took Odom 10 minutes to open a single case, often toggling back and forth between multiple screens. In the point solution (Comcate’s Code Enforcement Manager) it took Odom 2 minutes to accomplish the same process from a single screen. (Read more about code enforcement in Panama City and Bay County, Florida.)

In addition to better serving the needs of a single department, point solutions tend to be less expensive, and can be implemented faster – even when customized.

Comcate: Software Specifically for Code Professionals

Over the 20+ years we’ve worked in the code enforcement industry, Comcate has come to understand the pain points that today’s code enforcement professionals face – which is why we set out to create a solution designed specifically for them. Our Code Enforcement Manager software offers streamlined case management, robust reporting and an intuitive interface that makes it easy to find what you need without thinking about it. During the implementation process, we preload your municipality’s codes into the software so officers can search for and select violations within the system.

If your team still struggles to manage cases with an enterprise permitting and licensing solution, it might be time for a change. Interested in learning more? Fill out the form below and one of our consultants will be in touch to learn more about your needs and share information about Comcate’s code enforcement software.

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Learn how Comcate can help make government delivery simple, and offer a modern digital experience to help you increase transparency, efficiency, and performance across your departments. If you have any questions about implementing our software, please fill out the form below or call us directly at (415) 632-1248.

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