Best Practices: Implementing a Proactive Code Enforcement Program

Proactive vs Reactive Code Enforcement

What is reactive code enforcement?

Most towns and cities practice reactive code enforcement in which code enforcement officers respond to complaints submitted by citizens about code violations in their neighborhoods. While reactive code enforcement is the norm – and on the surface an arguably more time- and resource-efficient way to manage code violation cases as it allows officers to focus on active code violations – this approach has been challenged based on the selective nature of enforcement.

In reactive code enforcement, officers only respond when complaints are registered. This method relies on the theory that the worst violations will generate the most complaints, helping officers to identify the biggest priorities. But in actuality it ends up being a “squeaky wheel gets the grease” situation in which those residents who are more prone to speak out get their complaints addressed, while marginalized communities who may not know how to register a complaint, who may be unaware of their rights, or who may be afraid to speak out don’t have the same input.

What is proactive code enforcement?

As its name would indicate, proactive code enforcement is about going out into the community and looking for violations. This is often done through scheduled inspections, conducted without a specific agenda, that are not dependent on complaints. Usually this approach targets areas already on the edge of blight, as opposed to citywide. In some municipalities, proactive code enforcement might look like officers on patrol, scoping out neighborhoods in search of obvious code violations that are presenting health and safety concerns to those who live in the residences and stopping them before they become too severe.

The Challenges with Proactive Code Enforcement Programs

Proactive code enforcement has its challenges and downsides, starting with a proclivity to inefficiency. When you are sending officers into the community without a specific objective, the labor costs can start to add up. Having officers consistently on the streets also increases the chances of officers finding themselves in a hostile situation where their safety is at risk.

In addition to the challenges for staff, proactive code enforcement also has the potential to have adverse effects on its community as well. Low-income housing is often a target for proactive code enforcement efforts. When these housing options are shut down due to code violations, it often leaves residents without good alternatives.

How to Enact a Successful Proactive Code Enforcement Program

Although proactive code enforcement comes with its own challenges, it is not without benefit. If you are looking to enact a proactive code enforcement strategy in your municipality, try these tactics.

Let data guide decision-making.

Proactive code enforcement has the potential to be resource-intensive – especially if the department is making decisions blindly. With concrete data centering the strategy, agencies can make smarter choices about where to focus their efforts in order to maximize results. Extensive case documentation aided by the use of code enforcement software can help to gather data to validate efforts and accurately report to council and the city manager how efforts are going. Learn more about data-driven decision making.

Focus on compliance, not penalties.

Setting the standards for code enforcement can be challenging. It is critical to keep compliance in mind as the goal instead of punishment. Lack of compliance may stem from insufficient knowledge about how to remedy the problem or financial constraint where someone can’t afford repairs. Sometimes to motivate compliance, you must be more tolerant than the law requires. Emphasize education first and only turn to penalties when voluntary compliance isn’t being met.

Engage with the community to increase education.

Programs are more effective with community support. Community engagement allows residents to take part in defining what the minimum community standards should be. Establishing a system to help with neighbor disagreements using a mediation framework can take some case load off of code enforcement officers, as well as engage community members in cause. This is especially important in recurring cases where neighbors aren't getting along and submitting minor noncompliance tickets.

Leverage technology to aid efforts.

Integrating web portals and online databases into code enforcement can improve case management and daily operations for code enforcement professionals. With an integrated CRM, municipalities can allow citizens an easy way to submit reports of code violations, leveling the playing field of traditional reactive code enforcement by making it more easily accessible to the public. Meanwhile cloud-based code enforcement software makes it easy for officers to create a case, conduct an inspection, and even generate notices entirely in the field, helping to move along proactive code enforcement efforts.

The Importance of Documenting Compliance

A code enforcement  program is only as good as the documents show. This principle is especially critical when a municipality has to respond to an inquiry or to an enforcement action. When inquiries are conducted, investigators often place significant weight on the value of documents that record facts and public record requests.

When a code enforcement officer has to document the reasons for a specific action, a documentation requirement promotes consistency and critical thinking and analysis. A documentation program also promotes protection against potential disputes or inquiries in the future. The existence of a document can be critical to protecting a municipality from litigation. 

Increase Efficiency with Code Enforcement Software

Granting code enforcement officers and the constituents they serve the tools to help in their day-to-day is a great first step toward community improvement. At Comcate, we believe in the power of technology to increase and improve interactions between local government agencies and their citizens. That’s why we developed software specifically for code enforcement departments: to streamline case management, provide visibility at every level, and empower officers to make a difference in their community. Click here to learn more about how Comcate drives efficiency.

Learn how Comcate can help make government delivery simple, and offer a modern digital experience to help you increase transparency, efficiency, and performance across your departments. If you have any questions about implementing our software, please schedule a meeting with our team, or  call us directly at (415) 632-1248.


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