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The Benefit of CRM/311 for Public Works Agencies

Public works departments are in many ways the backbone of municipalities, as they maintain the infrastructure that serves as the foundation for our communities.

While their maintenance work doesn’t always capture the public spotlight in the way that major capital projects do, the repair and upkeep of vital infrastructure is a critical responsibility. Public works teams maintain their own schedule for maintenance but must also be responsive to input from the community. Balancing between planned maintenance and unplanned issues submitted by residents can be tricky, especially if the department relies on manual methods to intake community requests, distribute them to the correct team, and work the service orders into the pre-existing schedule.

CRM/311 solutions can provide the organization and documentation that public works departments need to efficiently and effectively take requests from the public and streamline them into regular operations. Known as customer relationship management – or in the case of local government, citizen request management – these solutions are designed to streamline the process of intaking requests and issues from the community and smoothly assigning work orders to the correct teams. CRM/311 software can offer several benefits to public works departments, helping them operate more efficiently, improve service delivery, and enhance community engagement. Let’s take a look.

Improve Efficiency in Operations

Automate Workflows: Manual processes can eat up a lot of valuable time during the day. For many agencies, the steps involved to take requests from the community, assign them to the correct team and provide updates to the resident requestor are rife with manual processes. CRM software can automate routine tasks, such as scheduling maintenance, assigning work orders, and sending updates to residents. This reduces manual workload, minimizes errors that can lead to escalations, and speeds up service delivery.

Streamline Communication: Communication can be another area where public works efficiency can break down, causing misunderstandings, oversights and delays. Within a CRM system, all communications—whether from residents, contractors, or other departments—are centralized. This ensures that everyone involved has access to the same information, reducing misinformation that causes delays. Comcate’s CRM even supports fully integrated text messaging, including the ability for staff to send text messages from the platform to other staff members.

Better Resource Management

Efficient Allocation of Resources: If you don’t have a process for organizing and prioritizing incoming requests, it can be easy for requests to fall through the cracks – or to waste time and resources working on orders without the proper logistics in place. CRM software can help public works departments prioritize service requests based on urgency, impact, or location. This ensures that resources (e.g., labor, equipment) are allocated where they are needed most.

Data-Driven Decision Making: By analyzing data on service requests, completion times, and resource usage, public works departments can identify trends, optimize operations, and make informed decisions about future resource allocation.

Improve Collaboration and Coordination

Cross-Department Integration: No department is an island in local government. Public works responsibilities often intersect with those of other departments, and even within the department itself there are multiple teams whose work must coordinate to produce a single outcome. CRM software can integrate with other municipal systems (e.g., GIS, asset management, financial systems), enabling seamless collaboration across different departments. This integration improves coordination on complex projects that require input from multiple teams.

Real-Time Updates: Public works teams in the field can update the status of service requests in real-time using mobile devices, ensuring that office staff and other stakeholders are always up to date on project progress.

Enhanced Data and Analytics

Performance Monitoring: CRM software tracks key metrics like response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction for residents submitting issues. Departments can use this data to monitor performance, identify areas for improvement, and set benchmarks for service standards.

Predictive Analytics: By analyzing historical data, CRM systems can help departments predict future needs, such as which areas might require more maintenance or where infrastructure improvements may be needed.

Enhanced Customer Service and Community Engagement

Centralized Case Management: CRM systems allow public works departments to log, track, and manage service requests and complaints from residents in one place. This ensures that no request is overlooked and that issues are resolved in a timely manner, providing better customer service to residents submitting issues.

Automated Responses: For common inquiries, CRM software can generate automated replies, ensuring that residents receive timely acknowledgments of their concerns or requests, even outside of business hours. Residents also automatically receive updates on the status of their request as public works teams update the service order within the system.

Feedback Mechanisms: Through add-ons such as customer satisfaction surveys, CRM software can gather feedback from residents on completed services, providing valuable insights into public satisfaction and areas where improvements are needed.

Cost Savings

Operational Efficiency: By automating tasks, minimizing redundancy, and improving resource allocation, CRM software can lead to significant cost savings. Departments can do more with the existing resources they have, stretching their budgets further.

Proactive Maintenance: CRM systems can help identify recurring issues and potential problems before they escalate, allowing departments to address them proactively, which can prevent costly emergency repairs.

Comcate: CRM Software for Public Works Teams

CRM solutions help public works departments team up with residents to more efficiently manage infrastructure maintenance – especially when paired with an asset management solution. To streamline the process from request to resolution, Comcate has partnered with OpenGov to seamlessly integrate our CRM/311 solution with their asset management solution, Cartegraph. Comcate allows residents to notify the municipality of non-emergency issues they spot in the community. These requests then flow seamlessly into Cartegraph, where teams can respond to requests, track labor hours and enter materials on mobile devices.

Interested in learning more? Fill out the form below and one of our representatives will be in touch to learn more about your needs.

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Learn how Comcate can help make government delivery simple, and offer a modern digital experience to help you increase transparency, efficiency, and performance across your departments. If you have any questions about implementing our software, please fill out the form below or call us directly at (415) 632-1248.

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